St. Mary’s Academy was established as a primary school during late 1990’s and now it is a higher secondary school, affiliated to CBSE up to +2 level. A couple of decades in the life span of an institution is not that long a period when it has accomplished all that it has been dreaming of. In 2008, the management and control of this school was taken over by St. Mary’s Educational & Social Welfare Trust, and it has achieved a lot with the grace of God and cooperation from the staff, students, parents and well wishers, for which the school is ever indebted to all.
The unique feature of this school is that it is imparting quality education to the children of the society living in the neighbouring as well as far away villages. It is so gratifying to see how these children craving for good education which is not available in their village set up, arrange their own conveyance, mostly bicycles and shared auto-rickshaws and attend the school every day.
The school, while emphasizing intellectual excellence, wants its students to absorb the spirit of uprightness of character, genuine patriotism and religious tolerance, which would make them responsible citizens of the country. We believe that it is the moral values one holds and the self sacrifice made for the well being of the country that makes a person a true patriot. Thus we wish that our students become not mere learners of history but makers of history transforming their society/country a better world to live for everyone.
In an era of firm competition, success can only be achieved if one makes the right kind of effort at the right time. Our motherland is blessed with rich cultural heritage, ancient human civilizations and highly hard-working young people seeking new knowledge and education.
I am proud to say that St. Mary’s Academy follows the ideals of integrated learning by giving opportunities to the students to develop their personality through different co-curricular and soft skill courses.
It has been a dream comes true for us, right from the day of its establishment. Since then we are working hard to achieve the glorious purpose of value education. An important component of the academic excellence of this institution is the remarkable faculty, who teach with skill and passion. We are committed to develop in children, not only the academic awareness, but the social, emotional and creative growth as well. We also thankfully acknowledge the support we receive from the parents, who are fully involved in the educational development of their children.
This website is a midpoint for all of us hence I request you to explore it and support us through your valuable suggestions and ideas. I am sure that your search will definitely find its quench here and you will enjoy your association with us.
St. Mary’s Academy is an innovative school drawing on the talents and skills of the staff, students and parents to provide a host of educational programmes and projects. As Principal I am greatly impressed by the commitment of the school and the staff to the provision of an excellent all-round education for our students in our state of the art facilities. We strongly promote among our students academic achievement along with cultural, sporting and other co-curricular activities.
Our faculty fruitfully employs two diverse strategies that are of Love and Logic to foster a positive learning environment for all our students. While love helps nurture trusting relationships where students feel respected, appreciated and loved by the teachers, logic helps develop in them personal responsibility self control, good decision making skills, self confidence, and character building with high moral values.
Your child’s learning involves and revolves around an effective partnership between home and school. We believe the stronger the partnership is the more your child will benefit.
Whilst we know that the information here will give you answers to some of your questions, we encourage you to come and speak to us in person for a more detailed perspective.