School Building

The school has multi-storeyed building with spacious classrooms and laboratories. There are separate wings for nursery, primary and secondary section students. We maintain propoer safety norms and obtain safety certificates form concerned departments.

Kids Play

Though the kids of our school learn through playing, a special time is given to them for having fun with their friends. Besides learning, this opportunity thrives them into tolerance, forgiveness, co – operation etc.

Science Lab

Science is a universal subject that spans the branch of knowledge that examines the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. St. Josephs School has spacious and proper laboratories to provide better learning opportunities for students

Computer Lab

The school campus is well equipped with modern computing facilities accessible to students and teachers. It has advanced infrastructure in terms of hardware and software which cater to the requirements of the curriculum. The school is equipped with a dedicated broadband internet connection for enterprising students to get a chance to be familiar with the internet. They do comprehensive research for their projects and presentations.


The library acts as a center of academic and intellectual development for students and teachers and contains books on a variety of subjects, encyclopedias, periodicals, etc. The library subscribes to regional and national journals and newspapers.


The importance of career guides has grown at such a scale that St. Josephs School has set up dedicated counselling cells for students. Counselling empowers people to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. counselling seems to have always been a natural part of the human experience.

This school has its own educational counsellor to help students find the right career and make informed choices in their studies especially special needs children and educational counsellors also assist students in dealing with the personal issues impacting their academic journey.

RO Water

Reverse osmosis is known for its ability to effectively remove a wide range of contaminants, including harmful substances like lead, chlorine, arsenic, nitrates, and more. This thorough filtration process ensures that the water you consume is clean and free from potential health hazards.

By eliminating impurities, reverse osmosis enhances the taste, odor, and clarity of drinking water. The result is clean and healthy drinking water that is not only enjoyable but safe to drink. Our school does not compromise with when it comes issue of student health. We provide safe RO drinking water to students.